Was dich erwartet
- Verantwortung der erfolgreichen Serieneinführung von neuen Produkten und Systemen für den Bereich Operations (Produktion) im Kernteam von Entwicklungsprojekten
- Planung und Koordination von Arbeitspaketen von der Lastenheft-Phase bis hin zum erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Ramp-up mit den betroffenen Werken und lokal zuständigen Kollegen
- Erfüllung von Projektzielen hinsichtlich Termin, Kosten und Qualität
- Sicherstellung der Transparenz in der Einhaltung von Meilensteinen und Gates und Eskalation von Abweichungen im Anlassfall
- Unterstützung der kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung des PDP (PALFINGER Development Process)
Your responsibilities
- Support product development by applying quality tools, managing deviations, and focusing on strategic quality management initiatives
- Contribute to strategic direction and participate in release decisions in the Marine development process
- Define, optimize, and implement global quality, health, safety, and environmental management processes, while managing the Q-Circle
- Apply advanced quality management tools to enhance efficiency and ensure compliance with standards throughout the Product Development Process (PDP) and product lifecycle
- Conduct training sessions to increase awareness and provide technical support for improving the claim management process
• Lead and further develop the international PLQM team, focusing on strategic quality management initiatives and the continuous improvement of products and processes • Actively contribute to the strategic direction and participate in release decisions within the development process of the Global Product Line • Define, optimize, and implement global quality and environmental management processes, while managing the Q-Circle to drive collaborative problem-solving initiatives • Apply advanced quality management tools and methods to enhance efficiency and ensure compliance with quality and safety standards throughout the Product Development Process (PDP) and the entire product lifecycle • Conduct training sessions to increase quality awareness and provide technical support to further develop and improve claim management processes